
The VRI includes 150 researchers working on more than 40 international projects.

Clinical development

Frédéric Lucht Immunologist

Frédéric Lucht received his MD in Internal Medicine in 1982 (University Claude Bernard LYON 1) and his DERBH in immunology in 1984 (University Claude Bernard Lyon 1).
He is Professor in Infectious and Tropical Diseases since 1990 and head the department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases of CHU Saint Etienne. His basic research was focused on mucosal immunity during HIV infection and moved after also on Staphylococcus aureus nasal carriage and mucosal immunity.
Pr F. Lucht is currently the PI (or co-PI) of several clinical trials in the field of immune-based therapies of HIV or vaccinology (ANRS LIGHT Therapeutic anti HIV vaccine, ANRS VRI01, THV01-11-01 with Theravectis) and Staphylococcus aureus (STRIVE with Pfizer in neurosurgical procedure) or other infectious agents (Clostridium difficile, VZV, EBOVAC2, anti-Ebola vaccination, Influenza,…).
He is in charge of the CIC-INSERM1408-Vaccine clinical center integrated in a French network (REIVAC) and in I-REIVAC (European consortium of Clinical vaccine Centers labelled by F-CRIN).