
The VRI includes 150 researchers working on more than 40 international projects.

Clinical development

Isabelle Poizot-Martin Specialist in onco-hematology and dermato-venereology

She is head of the Immuno Hematology Service, a multidisciplinary outpatient unit at Sainte Marguerite in Marseille. This unit monitors the follow up of almost 1,000 patients infected with HIV, of which 40% are co-infected with hepatitis C.
Specialist in onco-hematology and dermato-venereology, Dr. Isabelle Poizot -Martin was involved from the beginning of the HIV epidemic. Apart from a strong clinical research activity in the field of HIV infection and its comorbidities and hepatitis viruses B and C, she is also engaged in anti-HIV preventive vaccine research since 2000 and has participated in three recruitment campaigns of healthy volunteer and realization of three preventive vaccine trials sponsored by the ANRS (ANRS VAC16, VAC18 and VAC20). She is co-investigator of the VRI01 trial.
Involved in various “coordinated actions” of the ANRS, Dr Isabelle Poizot Martin is coordinating since May 2014 with Prof. Jean Philippe Spano (oncologist) and Professor F Boue (hematologist) a national multidisciplinary meeting (RCP: réunion de concertation pluridisciplinaire) called « ONCOVIH » in the CANCERVIH Network supported by the INCA (Institut National du Cancer) and the DGOS (Direction régionale de l’offre de soins).
She is also a member of the group of experts responsible for drafting national guidelines for the medical care of people living with HIV (Morlat Report), as well as national guidelines for the treatment of viral hepatitis (Dhumeaux Report).